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Chi NC, Nakad L, Han S, Washington K, Hagiwara Y, Riffin C, Oliver DP, Demiris G. Family Caregivers' Challenges in Cancer Pain Management for Patients Receiving Palliative Care. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2022 Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35503240.

Oliver DP, Washington KT, Benson J, White P, White K, Jones A, Debosik LR, Demiris G. Perspectives of State Association Leaders During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2022 Epub ahead of print. ; [PMCID:PMC9024149]

Washington KT, Piontek A, Jabbari J, Benson JJ, Demiris G, Tatum PE, Oliver DP. The Lived Experience of Physical Separation for Hospice Patients and Families amid COVID-19. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2022 Feb 19:S0885-3924(22)00106-3. Epub ahead of print. [PMCID: PMC8856963]

Demiris G, Oliver DP, Washington KT, Chadwick C, Voigt JD, Brotherton S, Naylor MD. Examining spoken words and acoustic features of therapy sessions to understand family caregivers' anxiety and quality of life. Int J Med Inform. 2022 [PMCID: PMC8902633]

Oliver DP, Washington KT, Pitzer K, Popejoy L, White P, Wallace AS, Grimsley A, Demiris G. Mixed methods analysis of hospice staff perceptions and shared decision making practices in hospice. Support Care Cancer. 2022;30(3):2679-2691. [PMCID: PMC9067598]



Washington KT, Benson JJ, Chakurian DE, Popejoy LL, Demiris G, Rolbiecki AJ, Oliver DP. Comfort Needs of Cancer Family Caregivers in Outpatient Palliative Care. J Hosp Palliat Nurs. 2021;23(3):221-228. [PMCID: PMC8084891]

Washington KT, Benson JJ, Chakurian DE, Popejoy LL, Demiris G, Rolbiecki AJ, Oliver DP. Comfort Needs of Cancer Family Caregivers in Outpatient Palliative Care. J Hosp Palliat Nurs. 2021;23(3):221-228. [PMCID: PMC8084891]

Oliver DP, Benson JJ, Ulrich C, Washington KT, Rolbiecki AJ, White P, Smith JB, Lero C, Landon OJ, Demiris G. Perceived Benefits and Burdens of
Participation for Caregivers of Cancer Patients in Hospice Clinical Trials: A Pilot Study. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2021;61(6):1147-1154. 

Rolbiecki AJ, Oliver DP, Teti M, Washington KT, Benson JJ, Kruse RL, Smith J, Demiris G, Ersek M, Mehr DR. Caregiver Speaks Study Protocol: A Technologically- Mediated Storytelling Intervention for Hospice Family Caregivers of Persons Living With Dementia. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2021; 38(4):376-382. [PMCID: PMC7946764]

Oliver DP, Rolbiecki AJ, Washington K, Kruse RL, Popejoy L, Smith JB, Demiris G. A Pilot Study of An Intervention to Increase Family Member Involvement in Nursing Home Care Plan Meetings. J Appl Gerontol. 2021;40(9):1080-1086. [PMCID: PMC7881047]

Washington KT, Alaniz Staner LM, Collie BE, Craig KW, Demiris G, Oliver DP. Toward a Practice-Informed Agenda for Hospice Intervention Research: What Are Staff Members' Biggest Challenges? Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2021;38(5):467-471. 


Washington KT, Demiris G, Oliver DP, Backonja U, Norfleet M, Han CJ, Popescu M. ENVISION: A Tool to Improve Communication in Hospice Interdisciplinary Team Meetings. J Gerontol Nurs. 2020 Jul 1;46(7):9-14.

Oliver DP, Washington K, Demiris G, White P. Challenges in Implementing Hospice Clinical Trials: Preserving Scientific Integrity While Facing Changing Environments. J Pain Symptom Manage 2020; 59(2): 365-371.

Demiris G, DeKeyser Ganz F, Han CJ, Pike K, Parker Oliver D, Washington K. Design and Preliminary Testing of the Caregiver Centered Communication Questionnaire. Journal of Palliative Care 2020;35(3):154-160. [PMCID: PMC7202953]

Washington KT, Parker Oliver D, Benson JJ, Rolbiecki AJ, Jorgensen LA, Cruz-Oliver DM, Demiris G. Factors influencing engagement in an online support group for family caregivers of individuals with advanced cancer. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology 2020;38(3):235-250.  [PMCID: PMC7467207]

Parker Oliver D, Washington K, Demiris G, White P. Challenges in Implementing Hospice Clinical Trials: Preserving Scientific Integrity While Facing Change. J Pain Sympt Mgt 2020;59(2):365-371. [PMCID:PMC698937]

Benson JJ, Parker Oliver D, Washington KT, Rolbiecki AJ, Lombardo CB, Garza JE, Demiris G. Online social support groups for informal  caregivers of hospice patients with cancer. European Journal of Oncology Nursing (In Press)



Parker Oliver D, Kruse RL, Smith J, Washington K, Demiris G. Assessing the Reliability and Validity of a Brief Measure of Caregiver Quality of Life. J Pain Symptom Manage 2019;  58(5): 871-877. 

Han S, Chi NC, Han C, Parker Oliver D, Washington K, Demiris G.   Adapting the resilience framework for family caregivers of hospice patients with dementia. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease & Other Dementias 2019; 34 (6): 399-411.

Demiris G, Parker Oliver D, Washington K, Pike K. A Problem Solving Intervention for Hospice Family Caregivers: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2019; 67(7): 1345-1352. [PMCID:PMC6791527]

Washington KT, Parker Oliver D, Smith JB, Kruse RL, Meghani SH, Demiris G. A comparison of rural and urban hospice family caregivers’ cancer pain knowledge and experience. Journal of Pain & Symptom Management 2019; 58(4): 685-689. [PMCID: PMC6754759]

Washington KT, Craig KW, Parker Oliver D, Rugeri JS, Brunk SR, Goldstein AK, Demiris G. Family caregivers’ perspectives on communication with cancer care providers. J Psychosoc Oncol 2019; 37(6): 777-790.

Demiris G, Washington K, Ulrich CM, Popescu M, Parker Oliver D. Innovative Tools to Support Family Caregivers of Persons with Cancer: The Role of Information Technology. Seminars in Oncology Nursing 2019; 35(4): 384-388. [PMCID:PMC6660408]

Parker Oliver D, Tappana J, Washington K, Rolbiecki A, Craig K, Demiris G, Schafer C, Winjobi M, Clayton M, Reblin M, Ellington L. Behind the Doors of Home Hospice Patients: A Secondary Qualitative Analysis of Hospice Nurse Communication with Patients and Families. Palliative and Supportive Care 2019; 17(5): 579-583. [PMCID: PMC6732050]

Washington KT, Demiris G, Parker Oliver D, Albright DL, Craig KW, Tatum P. Delivering problem-solving therapy to family caregivers of people with cancer: A feasibility study in outpatient palliative care. Psycho-Oncology 2018; 27(10):2494-2499. [PMCID: PMC6173651]

Benson JJ, Parker Oliver D, Demiris G, Washington K. Accounts of family conflict in home hospice care: The central role of autonomy for informal caregiver resilience. Journal of Family Nursing 2019; 25(2): 190-218.

Chi NC, Han S, Barani E, Parker Oliver D, Washington K, Lewis F, Walker A, Demiris G. Development and Preliminary Evaluation of a Pain Management Manual for Hospice Providers to Support and Educate Family Caregivers. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine 2019; 36(3):207-215.



Chi NC, Han S, Barani E, Parker Oliver D, Washington KT, Lewis FM, Walker A, Demiris G. Development and Preliminary Evaluation of a Pain Management Manual for Hospice Providers to Support and Educate Family Caregivers. Am J Hosp Palliat Care (In Press)

Washington KT, Demiris G, Parker Oliver D, Albright DL, Craig KW, Tatum P. Delivering problem-solving therapy to family caregivers of people with cancer: A feasibility study in outpatient palliative care. Psychooncology. 2018 Oct;27(10):2494-2499.

Chi NC, Demiris G, Pike KC, Washington K, Parker Oliver D. Exploring the Challenges that Family Caregivers Faced When Caring for Hospice Patients with Heart Failure. J Soc Work End Life Palliat Care. 2018 Jun 1:1-15.

Wallace AS, Parker Oliver D, Demiris G, Washington K, Smith J. The Paradox of Hospice for Caregivers of Cancer Patients. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2018 Sep;56(3):e8-e11.

Washington KT, Wilkes CM, Rakes CR, Otten SJ, Parker Oliver D, Demiris G. Relationships among Symptom Management Burden, Coping Responses, and Caregiver Psychological Distress at End of Life. J Palliat Med. 2018 Sep;21(9):1234-1241. 

Han CJ, Chi NC, Han S, Demiris G, Parker-Oliver D, Washington K, Clayton MF, Reblin M, Ellington L. Communicating Caregivers' Challenges With Cancer Pain Management: An Analysis of Home Hospice Visits. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2018 May;55(5):1296-1303.

Oliver DP, Washington K, Demiris G, Wallace A, Propst MR, Uraizee AM, Craig K, Clayton MF, Reblin M, Ellington L. Shared Decision Making in Home Hospice Nursing Visits: A Qualitative Study. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2018 Mar;55(3):922-929.

Washington KT, Demiris G, Oliver DP, Purnell G, Tatum P. Quality Hospice Care in Adult Family Homes: Barriers and Facilitators. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2018 Feb;19(2):136-140.

Chi NC, Demiris G, Pike KC, Washington K, Oliver DP. Pain Management Concerns From the Hospice Family Caregivers' Perspective. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2018 Apr;35(4):601-611. 



Oliver DP, Demiris G, Washington KT, Clark C, Thomas-Jones D. Challenges and Strategies for Hospice Caregivers: A Qualitative Analysis. Gerontologist. 2017;57(4):648-656. PMCID: PMC5881722.

Washington KT, Guo Y, Albright DL, Lewis A, Parker Oliver D, Demiris G. Team functioning in hospice interprofessional meetings: An exploratory study of providers' perspectives. J Interprof Care. 2017 Jul;31(4):455-462.

Parker Oliver D, Patil S, Benson JJ, Gage A, Washington K, Kruse RL, Demiris G. The Effect of Internet Group Support for Caregivers on Social Support, Self-Efficacy, and Caregiver Burden: A Meta-Analysis. Telemed J E Health. 2017;23(8):621-629.

Washington KT, Demiris G, Parker Oliver D, Swarz JA, Lewis AM, Backonja U. A Qualitative Analysis of Information Sharing in Hospice Interdisciplinary Group Meetings. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2017;34(10):901-906.

Parker Oliver D, Washington K, Smith J, Uraizee A, Demiris G. The Prevalence and Risks for Depression and Anxiety in Hospice Caregivers. J Palliat Med. 2017;20(4):366-371. PMCID: PMC5385442.

Parker Oliver D, Demiris G, Washington K, Kruse RL, Petroski G. Hospice Family Caregiver Involvement in Care Plan Meetings: A Mixed-Methods Randomized Controlled Trial. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2017 Nov;34(9):849-859. PMCID: PMC5272916.



Parker Oliver D, Washington K, Smith J, Uraizee A, Demiris G. The Prevalence and Risks for Depression and Anxiety in Hospice Caregivers. Journal of Palliative Medicine. (In Press) [Epub ahead of print: December 2, 2016]

Parker Oliver D, Demiris G, Washington K, Kruse RL, Petroski G. Hospice Family Caregiver Involvement in Care Plan Meetings: A Mixed-Methods Randomized Controlled Trial. American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Care. (In Press) [Epub ahead of print: July 27, 2016]

Tarter R, Demiris G, Pike K, Washington K, Parker Oliver D. Pain in Hospice Patients With Dementia: The Informal Caregiver Experience. American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease & Other Dementias. 2016 Sep; 31(6):524-9.[Epub ahead of print: June 14, 2016] PMCID: PMC4982799

Washington KT, Albright DL, Parker Oliver D, Gage LA, Lewis A, Mooney MJ. Hospice and palliative social workers' experiences with clients at risk of suicide. Palliative & Supportive Care. 2016 Dec; 14(6):664-671.[Epub ahead of print: May 23, 2016]

Parker Oliver D. Recognizing the Caregiver as a Patient. Journal of Socical Work in End-of-Life & Palliative Care. 2016 Jan-Jun; 12(1-2):2-5. [Epub ahead of print: May 4, 2016]

Oliver DP, Demiris G, Washington KT, Clark C, Thomas-Jones D. Challenges and Strategies for Hospice Caregivers: A Qualitative Analysis. Gerontologist.(In Press). [Epub ahead of print: April 5, 2016]PMCID: PMC4753099

Washington KT, Parker Oliver D, Gage LA, Albright DL, Demiris G. A multimethod analysis of shared decision-making in hospice interdisciplinary team meetings including family caregivers. Palliative Medicine. 2016 Mar; 30(3):270-8 [Epub ahead of print: August 17, 2015]

Gage LA, Washington K, Oliver DP, Kruse R, Lewis A, Demiris G. Family Members' Experience With Hospice in Nursing Homes. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. 2016 May; 33(4):354-62. [Epub ahead of print: November 23, 2014] PMCID: PMC4441870

Albright DL, Washington K, Parker-Oliver DP, Lewis A, Kruse RL, Demiris G. The Social Convoy for Family Caregivers Over the Course of Hospice. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 2016 Feb; 51(2): 213-219. [Epub ahead of print: November 3, 2015] PMCID: PMC4214907



Washington KT, Pike KC, Demiris G, Parker Oliver D, Albright DL, Lewis AM. Gender Differences in Caregiving at End of Life: Implications for Hospice Teams. Journal of Palliative Medicine. 2015 Dec;18(12):1048-53. [Epub ahead of print: October 20, 2015] PMCID: PMC4677542

Washington KT, Pike KC, Demiris G, Oliver DP. Unique characteristics of informal hospice cancer caregiving. Support Care Cancer. 2015 Jul; 23(7): 2121-128. [Epub ahead of print: December 30,2014]PMCID: PMC4449794

Oliver DP, Washington K, Gage A, Mooney M, Wittenberg-Lyles E, Demiris G. Lessons Learned from a Secret Facebook Support Group. Health & Social Work. 2015 May;40(2):125-33. [Epub ahead of print: February 18, 2015]

Albright DL, Oliver DP, Demiris G. Reaction to Caregiving by Hospice Caregivers Upon Enrollment. American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Care. 2015 Sep;32(6):641-6. [Epub ahead of print: April 16, 2014] PMCID: PMC4484306

Washington KT, Demiris G, Pike KC, Kruse RL, Oliver DP. Anxiety Among Informal Hospice Caregivers: An Exploratory Study. Palliative & Supportive Care. 2015 Jun;13(3):567-73. [Epub ahead of print: February 13, 2014] PMCID: PMC4133335

Wittenberg-Lyles E, Washington K, Parker Oliver D, Shaunfield S, Gage LA, Mooney M, Lewis A. "It is the 'starting over' part that is so hard": Using an Online Group to Support Hospice Bereavement. Palliative & Supportive Care. 2015 Apr;13(2):351-7 [Epub ahead of print: February 24, 2014] PMCID: PMC4143489



Wittenberg-Lyles E, Oliver DP, Demiris G, Swarz J, Rendo M. YouTube as a Tool for Pain Management With Informal Caregivers of Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review. Journal of Pain & Symptom Management. 2014 Dec;48(6):1200-10. [Epub ahead of print: April 30, 2014] PMCID: PMC4214907

Parker Oliver D, Washington K, Gage LA, Demiris G. The promise of secret facebook groups for active family caregivers of hospice patients. Journal of Palliative Medicine. 2014 Nov;17(11):1199-200. [Epub ahead of print: October 14, 2014]

Washington KT, Wittenberg-Lyles E, Oliver DP, Baldwin PK, Tappana J, Wright JH, Demiris G. Rethinking Family Caregiving: Tailoring Cognitive-Behavior Therapies to the Hospice Experience. Health & Social Work. 2014 Nov;39(4):244-50. [Epub ahead of print: September 2, 2014] PMCID: PMC4271108

Wittenberg-Lyles E, Demiris G, Oliver DP, Burchett M. Exploring aging-related stress among older spousal caregivers. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 2014 Aug;40(8):13-6. [Epub ahead of print: May 12, 2014] PMCID: PMC4443706

Oliver DP, Washington K, Kruse RL, Albright DL, Lewis A, Demiris G. Hospice Family Members' Perceptions of and Experiences With End-of-Life Care in the Nursing Home. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 2014 Oct;15(10):744-50. [Epub ahead of print: July 10, 2014] PMCID: PMC4177958

Demiris G, Parker Oliver D, Capurro D, Wittenberg-Lyles E. Implementation Science: Implications for Intervention Research in Hospice and Palliative Care. The Gerontologist. 2014 Apr;54(2):163-71. [Epub ahead of print: April 4, 2013] PMCID: PMC3954415

Oliver DP, Albright DL, Kruse RL, Wittenberg-Lyles E, Washington K, Demiris G. Caregiver Evaluation of the ACTIVE Intervention: "It was Like We Were Sitting at the Table With Everyone." American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine. 2014 Jun;31(4):444-53. [Epub ahead of print: May 26, 2013] PMCID: PMC3770818

Wittenberg-Lyles E, Washington K, Demiris G, Oliver DP, Shaunfield S. Understanding Social Support Burden Among Family Caregivers. Health Communication. 2014;29(9):901-10. [Epub ahead of print: December 17, 2013] PMCID: PMC4029862

Albright DL, Kruse RL, Oliver DP, Washington K, Cagle J, Demiris G. Testing the Factorial Validity of Scores From the Caregiver Pain Medicine Questionnaire. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 2014 Jul;48(1):99-109. [Epub ahead of print: November 15, 2013] PMCID: PMC4022713

Wittenberg-Lyles E, Kruse RL, Oliver DP, Demiris G, Petroski G. Exploring the Collective Hospice Caregiving Experience. Journal of Palliative Medicine. 2014 Jan;17(1):50-5. [Epub ahead of print: December 18, 2013] PMCID: PMC3887433



Oliver DP, Demiris G, Wittenberg-Lyles E, Gage A, Dewsnap-Dreisinger ML, Luetkemeyer J. Patient Safety Incidents in Hospice Care: Observations from Interdisciplinary Case Conferences. Journal of Palliative Medicine. 2013 Dec;16(12):1561-7. [Epub ahead of print: October 26, 2013] PMCID: PMC3868266

Parker Oliver D, Albright DL, Washington K, Witternberg-Lyles E, Gage A, Mooney M, Demiris G. Hospice Caregiver Depression: The Evidence Surrounding the Greatest Pain of All. Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life & Palliative Care. 2013;9(4):256-71. [Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC3849709

Wittenberg-Lyles E, Goldsmith J, Parker Oliver D, Demiris G, Kruse RL, VanStee S. Using Medical Words with Family Caregivers. Journal of Palliative Medicine. 2013; 16(9): 1135-1139. [Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC3776621

Oliver DP, Wittenberg-Lyles E, Washington K, Kruse RL, Albright DL, Baldwin PK, Boxer A, Demiris G. Hospice Caregivers' Experiences With Pain Management: "I'm Not a Doctor, and I Don't Know if I Helped Her Go Faster or Slower." Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 2013 Dec;46(6):846-58. [Epub ahead of print: May 31, 2013] PMCID: PMC3795892

Kelley M, Demiris G, Nguyen H, Oliver DP, Wittenberg-Lyles E. Informal hospice caregiver pain management concerns: A qualitative study. Palliative Medicine. 2013 Jun; 27(7): 673-682. [Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC3950803

Wittenberg-Lyles E, Goldsmith J, Oliver DP, Demiris G, Kruse RL, Van Stee S. Exploring Oral Literacy in Communication With Hospice Caregivers. 2013 Nov;46(5):731-6. [Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC3695037

Demiris G, Parker Oliver D, Kruse RL, Wittenberg-Lyles E. Telehealth Group Interactions in the Hospice Setting: Assessing Technical Quality Across Platforms. Telemedicine and e-Health. 2013 Mar; 19(4): 235-240. [Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC3621258

Wittenberg-Lyles E, Oliver DP, Kruse RL, Demiris G, Gage LA, Wagner K. Family Caregiver Participation in Hospice Interdisciplinary Team Meetings: How Does It Affect the Nature and Content of Communication? Health Communication. 2013; 28(2): 110-118. [Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC3382048

Washington KT, Wittenberg-Lyles E, Parker Oliver D, Demiris G, Shaunfield S, Crumb E. Application of the VALUE communication principles in ACTIVE hospice team meetings. Journal of Palliative Medicine. 2013 Jan; 16(1): 60-66. [Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC3546416

Baldwin PK, Wittenberg-Lyles R, Kruse RL, Demiris G, Parker Oliver D. Pain Management and the African American Hospice Caregiver: A Case Report. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. 2013 Dec;30(8):795-8. [Epub Ahead of Print: December 10, 2012] PMCID: PMC3640733

Kruse RL, Parker Oliver D, Wittenberg-Lyles E, Demiris G. Conducting the ACTIVE randomized trial in hospice care: Keys to success. Clinical Trials. 2013 Feb; 10(1): 160-169. [Free PMC Article]PMCID: PMC3554844



Wittenberg-Lyles-E, Goldsmith J, Oliver DP, Demiris G, Rankin A. Targeting Communication Interventions to Decrease Caregiver Burden. Seminars in Oncology Nursing. 2012 Nov; 28(4): 262-270. [Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC3489276

Wittenberg-Lyles E, Parker Oliver D, Demiris G, Rankin A, Shaunfield S, Kruse RL. Conveying empathy to hospice family caregivers: Team responses to caregiver empathic communication. Patient Education and Counseling. 2012 Oct; 89(1): 31-37. [Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC3414649

Wittenberg-Lyles E, Parker Oliver D, Demiris G, Shaunfield S. Benefits and Challenges of the Passport Broadcast Intervention in Long-Term Care. Educational Gerontology. 2012; 38(10): 691-698. [Epub ahead of print: July 31, 2012]

Demiris G, Parker Oliver D, Wittenberg-Lyles E, Washington K, Doorenbos A, Rue T, Berry D. A Non-Inferiority Trial of a Problem Solving Intervention for Hospice Caregivers: In Person Vs Videophone. Journal of Palliative Medicine. 2012 Jun; 15(6): 653-660. [Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC3362957

Wittenberg-Lyles E, Demiris G, Parker Oliver D, Washington K, Burt S, Shaunfield S. Stress variances among informal hospice caregivers. Qualitative Health Research. 2012 Aug; 22(8): 1114-1125. Epub ahead of print: June 6, 2012. [Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC3559181

Parker Oliver D, Washington K, Demiris G, Wittenberg-Lyles E, Novak H. Problem solving interventions: An opportunity for hospice social workers to better meet caregiver needs. Journal of Social Work in End of Life and Palliative Care. 2012; 8(1):3-9. [Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC3310883

Wittenberg-Lyles E, Goldsmith J, Demiris G, Parker Oliver D, Stone J. The Impact of Family Communication Patterns on Hospice Family Caregivers: A New Typology. Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing. 2012 Jan-Feb; 14(1): 25-33. [Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC3269241

Oliver DP, Demiris G, Wittenberg-Lyles E, Washington K, Day T, Novak H. A Systematic Review of the Evidence Base for Telehospice. Telemedicine and e-Health. 2012 Jan; 18(1): 38-47. [Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC3306588

Wittenberg-Lyles E, Demiris G, Ferrell B, Shaunfield S. Volunteers as Facilitators of Communication About Pain: A Feasibility Study. Research on Aging. 2012 Mar; 34(2): 246-253. [Epub ahead of print: December 15, 2011]

Wittenberg-Lyles E, Shaunfield S, Oliver DP, Demiris G, Schneider G. Assessing the readiness of hospice volunteers to utilize technology. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. 2012 Sep; 29(6): 476-482. [Epub ahead of print: December 4, 2011]

Washington KT, Demiris G, Parker Oliver D, Wittenberg-Lyles E, Crumb E. Qualitative evaluation of a problem solving intervention for informal hospice caregivers. Palliative Medicine. 2012 Dec; 26(8): 1018-1024. Epub ahead of print: November 10, 2011. [Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC3562496



Demiris G, Parker Oliver D, Wittenberg-Lyles E. Technologies to Support End of Life Care. Seminars in Oncology Nursing. 2011 Aug; 27(3): 211-217. [Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC3143374

Wittenberg-Lyles E, Oliver DP, Demiris G, Cunningham C. Sharing atrocity stories in hospice: A study of niceness message strategies in interdisciplinary team meetings. Progress in Palliative Care. 2011 Jul; 19(4):172-176. [Free PMC Article] PMCID:PMC3167176

Baldwin P, Wittenberg-Lyles E, Parker Oliver D, Demiris G. An Evaluation of Interdisciplinary Team Training in Hospice Care. Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing. 2011 May-Jun; 13(3): 172-182. [Research Gate: Full Text] [Abstract]

Demiris G, Oliver DP, Wittenberg-Lyles E, Washington K. Use of videophones to deliver a cognitive-behavioural therapy to hospice caregivers. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. 2011 Apr; 17:142-145. [Free PMC Article] PMCID:PMC3093969

Boquet JR, Parker Oliver D, Wittenberg-Lyles E, Doorenbos AZ, Demiris G. Taking Care of a Dying Grandparent: Case Studies of Grandchildren in the Hospice Caregiver Role. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine 2011 Dec; 28(8): 564-568. [Epub ahead of print: April 26, 2011]

Demiris G, Wittenberg-Lyles E, Oliver DP, Washington K. Delivering a psycho-educational intervention to Hispanic hospice informal caregivers. Journal of Palliative Medicine. 2011 Mar; 25(2): 185-186. [Article Extract]

Washington KT, Parker Oliver D, Demiris G, Wittenberg-Lyles E, Shaunfield S. Family Perspectives on the Hospice Experience in Adult Family Homes. Journal of Gerontological Social Work. 2011 Feb; 54(2): 159-174.[Free PMC Article] PMCID:PMC3023972

Wittenberg-Lyles E, Demiris G, Oliver DP, Burt S. Reciprocal Suffering: Caregiver Concerns During Hospice Care. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 2011 Feb; 41(2):383-393. [Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC3053049

Wittenberg-Lyles E, Demiris G, Oliver DP, Burt S. Reciprocal suffering: caregiver concerns during hospice care. Journal of Pain Symptom Management. 2011 Feb; 41(2): 383-393. [Free PMC Article]PMCID: PMC3053049



Parker Oliver D, Demiris G, Wittenberg Lyles E, Porock D. The Use of Videophones for Patient and Family Participation in Hospice Interdisciplinary Team Meetings: A Promising Approach. European Journal of Cancer Care. 2010 Nov; 19(6): 729-735. [Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC2891692

Parker Oliver D, Demiris G, Wittenberg Lyles E, Porock D, Collier J, Arthur A. Caregiver Participation in Hospice Interdisciplinary Team Meetings via Videophone Technology: A Pilot Study to Improve Pain Management. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. 2010 Nov; 27(7): 465-473. [Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC2890035

Oliver DP, Wittenberg-Lyles E, Demiris G, Oliver D. Giving long-term care residents a passport to the world with the internet. Journal of Nursing Care Quality. 2010 Sep; 25(3):193-7. [Abstract]

Parker Oliver D, Demiris G, Wittenberg-Lyles E, Washington K, Porock D. Recruitment Challenges and Strategies in a Home-Based Telehealth Study. Telemedicine and e-Health. 2010 Sep; 16(7): 839-843. [Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC2992400

Demiris G, Parker Oliver D, Washington K, Fruehling LT, Haggarty-Robbins D,Doorenbos A, Wechkin H, Berry D. A Problem Solving Intervention for Hospice Caregivers: A Pilot Study. Journal of Palliative Medicine. 2010 Aug; 13(8): 1005-1111. [Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC2964357

Oliver DP, Demiris G. Comparing Face-to-Face and Telehealth-Mediated Delivery of a Psychoeducational Intervention: A Case Comparison Study in Hospice. Telemedicine Journal and e-Health. 2010 Jul; 16(6): 751-753. [Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC2930881

Wittenberg-Lyles E, Parker Oliver D, Demiris G, Regehr K. Interdisciplinary collaboration in hospice team meetings. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2010 May; 24(3): 264-273. [Free PMC Article]PMCID: PMC2854854

Wittenberg-Lyles E, Oliver DP, Demiris G, Baldwin P. The ACTive Intervention in Hospice Interdisciplinary Team Meetings: Exploring family caregiver and hospice team communication. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. 2010 Apr; 15(3):465-481.[Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC2882300

Wittenberg-Lyles E, Parker Oliver D, Demiris G, Washington KT, Regehr K, Wilder HM. Question asking by family caregivers in hospice interdisciplinary team meetings. Res Gerontol Nurs. 2010 Apr; 3(2): 82-88. [Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC2860630

Oliver DP, Wittenberg-Lyles E, Demiris G, Tatum P, Regehr K, Burt S. The Role of the Hospice Medical Director as Observed in Interdisciplinary Team Case Reviews Journal of Palliative Medicine. 2010 Mar; 13(3):279-84. [Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC2883496

Wittenberg-Lyles E, Schneider G, Oliver DP. Results from the National Hospice Volunteer Training Survey. Journal of Palliative Medicine. 2010 Feb; 13(3): 261-265. [Epub ahead of print: January 15, 2010]

Wittenberg-Lyles E, Oliver DP, Demiris G, Burt S, Regehr K. Inviting the absent members: Examining how caregivers' participation affects hospice team communication. Palliative Medicine. 2010 Mar; 24(2):192-195. [Epub ahead of print: December 10, 2009]



Demiris G, Oliver DP, Wittenberg-Lyles E, Washington K. Video-mediated Communication in Hospice Interdisciplinary Team Meetings: Examining Technical Quality and Content. AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings. 2009; 135-139. [Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC2815404

Oliver DP, Washington KT, Wittenberg-Lyles E, Demiris G, Porock D. "They're Part of the Team"-Participant Evaluation of the ACTIVE Intervention. Palliative Medicine 2009 Sep; 23(6): 549-555. [Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC2721906

Hensel BK, Parker-Oliver D, Demiris G, Rantz M. A Comparison of Video-Based Resident-Family Communication in a Nursing Home and a Congregate Living Facility. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 2009 Jun; 10(5): 342-347. [Abstract]

Wittenberg-Lyles EM, Parker Oliver D, Demiris G, Regehr K. Exploring Interpersonal Communication in Hospice Interdisciplinary Team Meetings. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 2009 Jul; 35(7):38-45. Epub ahead of print: June 22, 2009. [Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC2727068]

Demiris G, Oliver DP, Giger J, Skubic M, Rantz M. Older adults' privacy considerations for vision based recognition methods of eldercare applications. Technology and Health Care. 2009; 17(1): 41-48. [Abstract]

Oliver DP, Wittenberg-Lyles E, Washington K, Sehrawat S. Social Work Role in Pain Management with Hospice Caregivers: A National Survey. 2009 Jan; 5(1-2): 61-74. [Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC2814550

Wittenberg-Lyles EM, Gee GC, Oliver DP, Demiris G. What Patients and Families Don't Hear: Backstage Communication in Hospice Interdisciplinary Team Meetings. Journal of Housing for the Elderly. 2009 Jan; 23: 92-105. [Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC2728239



Demiris G, Oliver DP, Dickey G, Skubic M, Rantz M. Findings from a participatory evaluation of a smart home application for older adults. Technology and Health Care. 2008; 16(2): 111-118. [Abstract]

Demiris G, Oliver DP, Wittenberg-Lyles E. Assessing Caregivers for Team Interventions (ACT): A New Paradigm for Comprehensive Hospice Quality Care. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. 2009 Apr/May; 26(2):128-134. Epub ahead of print: December 30, 2008 [Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC2666779

Demiris G, Washington K, Oliver DP, Wittenberg-Lyles E. A study of information flow in hospice interdisciplinary team meetings. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2008 Dec; 22(6): 621-629. [Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC2680071

Wittenberg-Lyles E, Oliver DP, Demiris G, Baldwin P, Regehr K. Communication dynamics in hospice teams: Understanding the role of the Chaplain in interdisciplinary team collaboration. Journal of Palliative Medicine. 2008 Dec; 11(10): 1330-1335. [Free Full Text]

Demiris G, Washington K, Doorenbos A, Parker Oliver D, Wittenberg-Lyles E. Use of the Time, Interaction and Performance Theory to Study Hospice Interdisciplinary Team Meetings. Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing. 2008 Nov/Dec; 10(6): 376-381. [Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC2681325

Demiris G, Wittenberg-Lyles E, Oliver DP, Courtney KL. A survey on the use of technology to support hospice interdisciplinary team meetings. International Journal of Electronic Healthcare. 2008; 4(3-4):244-256. [Abstract]

Oliver DP, Wittenberg-Lyles E, Demiris G, Washington K, Porock D, Day M. Barriers to Pain Management: Caregivers Perception and Pain Talk by Hospice Interdisciplinary Teams. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 2008 Oct; 36(4): 374-382. [Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC2581443

Washington K, Demiris G, Parker Oliver D, Day M. Telehospice acceptance among providers: A multidisciplinary comparison. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. 2009; 25(6): 452-457. [Epub ahead of print: September 23, 2008]

Wittenberg-Lyles E, Oliver DP, Demiris G, Petty B, Day M. Caregiver Involvement in Hospice Interdisciplinary Team Meetings: A case study. Journal of Palliative Care. 2008 Winter; 24(4):277-279. [Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC2675180

Wilder H, Parker Oliver D, Demiris G, Washington K. Informal Hospice Caregiving: The Toll on Quality of Life Journal of Social Work in End of Life and Palliative Care. 2008 Jan; 4(4): 312-332. [Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC2749275



Demiris G, Parker Oliver D, Courtney KL, Day M. Use of Telehospice Tools for Senior Caregivers: A Pilot Study. Clinical Gerontologist. 2007; 31(1): 43-57. [Abstract]

Washington K, Demiris G, Parker Oliver D, Day M. Home Internet Use among Hospice Service Recipients: Recommendations for Web based Interventions. Journal of Medical Systems. 2007 Oct; 31(5): 385-389. [Abstract]

Willis L, Demiris G, Parker Oliver DR. Internet Use by Hospice Families and Providers: A Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Systems. 2007 Apr; 31(2):97-101. [Abstract]

Oliver DP, Wittenberg-Lyles EM, Day M. Measuring interdisciplinary perceptions of collaboration on hospice teams. American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Care. 2007 Feb/Mar; 24(1): 49-53. [Abstract]

Day M, Demiris G, Parker Oliver DR, Courtney KL, Hensel B. Exploring Underutilization of Videophones in Hospice Settings. Telemedicine and e-Health. 2007 Feb; 13 (1): 25-31. [Abstract]

Wittenberg-Lyles EM, Parker Oliver D, Demiris G, Courtney KL. Assessing the Nature and Process of Hospice Interdisciplinary Team Meetings. Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing. 2007 Feb; 9(1):17-21. [Abstract]



Hensel BK, Parker-Oliver D, Demiris G. Videophone communication between residents and family: A case study. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 2007 Feb; 8(2): 123-127. Epub ahead of print: December 14, 2006. [Abstract]

Oliver DP, Demiris G, Hensel B. A promising technology to reduce social isolation of nursing home residents. Journal of Nursing Care Quality. 2006 Oct/Dec; 21(4): 302-305. [Abstract Unavailable]

Demiris G, Parker Oliver DR, Courtney K. A study of the suitability of videophones for psychometric assessment. Behaviour and Information Technology. 2006 May/Jun; 25(3): 233-237. [Abstract]

arker Oliver DR, Demiris G, Day M, Courtney KL, Porock D. Tele-hospice support for elder caregivers of hospice patients: two case studies. Journal of Palliative Medicine. 2006 Apr; 9(2):264-267. [Abstract]

Parker Oliver D, Demiris G. Social Work Informatics: A New Specialty. Social Work. 2006 Apr; 51(2): 127-134. [Abstract]

Oliver DP, Wittenberg-Lyles EM, Day M. Variances in perceptions of interdisciplinary collaboration by hospice staff. Journal of Palliative Care. 2006 Winter; 22(4): 275-280. [Abstract]

Hensel BK, Oliver DP, Demiris G, Willis L. A telehealth case study of videophone use between family members. AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings. 2006; 948. [Free PMC Article] PMCID: PMC1839420



Courtney KL, Demiris G, Craven CK, Oliver DP, Porock D. Exploring electronic conversion of behavioral instruments for telehealth. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 2005; 116: 305-310. [Abstract]

Courtney KL, Demiris G, Parker Oliver D, Porock D. Conversion of the CQLI to an interview instrument-Research In Brief. European Journal of Cancer Care. 2005; 14(5): 463-464.

Demiris G, Parker Oliver DR, Courtney KL, Porock D. Use of Technology as a Support Mechanism for Caregivers of Hospice Patients. Journal of Palliative Care. 2005; 21(4): 303-309. [Abstract Unavailable]

Parker Oliver D, Demiris G, Porock D. The usability of videophones for seniors and hospice providers: A brief report of two studies. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 2005 Nov; 35(9): 782-790. [Free Full Text-Research Gate] [Abstract]

Parker Oliver D, Porock D, Demiris G, Courtney K. Patient and Family Involvement in Hospice Interdisciplinary Teams. Journal of Palliative Care. 2005 Winter; 21(4): 270-276. [Abstract]



Demiris G, Parker Oliver D, Fleming DA, Edison K. Hospice Staff Attitudes towards Telehospice. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care. 2004 Sep/Oct; 21(5):343-347. [Abstract]

Parker Oliver D, Demiris G. An assessment of the readiness of hospice organizations to accept technological innovation. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. 2004 Jun; 10(3): 170-174. [Abstract]

Parker Oliver D, Demiris G. E-health tools and social workers. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 2004; 106: 35-36. [Abstract]

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